Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tow Truck Quote Sheet

Tow Truck Quote Name_________________________________________________ Name of company____________________________________ Mailing Address________________________________________ City _________________ State ________ Zip________________ Garaging Address If different______________________________ Phone # _____________________ Phone # ________________ List of Drivers Name M or S Age Drivers License # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List of Vehicles Year Make Flatbed or Wrecker Vin # $ Value if full ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Coverage 500,000 CSL Liability or 750,000 CSL Liability 500,000 CSL Garage 750,000 CSL Garage 25,000 Car On Hook 50,000 Car on Hook 20,000/40,000 UM 20,000/40,000 UM Full coverage (Physical Damage $1,000) Relocating ICC Filing Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Do they have prior insurance? ______ If so With what company? ________________________ Do you have Current Insurance __________ Any losses? _______________________________ Notes_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total = $ _________ / year Down Payment = $ __________

Home Owners Application

Home Owners Quote / Renters Quote

First  Name * _________________     Last Name _____________________

Address of Residence * _____________________________________

City ___________________________         State          Zip Code

Phone * __________________________ Email________________________________

Date Of Birth____________        Employment Info_________________________

·         Type of Residence *
                  Circle One
O Single Family Home       Condo                      O     Own        Rent
               Construction Type
                    Circle One                       O Brick          Frame

·         Check All That Apply
Owner Occupied Alarm Currently Insured
Approximate year the home was built. ___________________________
Value of Residence *

      Value of Contents *         Cost to replace content

Approximate Square Footage   # of Floors?___________

Distance to Fire Hydrant __________ Distance to Fire Station_____________

Currently Insured? ___________ If so where__________________________

When was Electrical updated? ____________ Owner Occupied? __________

Muti-Family? __________ Are any units Rented?_______________________

·         Questions or Comments


Friday, November 18, 2011

Cancel to Rewrite

Cancel and Rewrite

This procedure sheet is to be followed whenever we need to cancel a current policy in order to start new coverage. This can be when a customer asks to make a change to their coverage that the current company will not accept, or would result in an increase we can’t sell.

1. Pull the folder and look at the last policy.

2. Check if the rate came in higher than we quoted, we do not want to make the same mistake again. (Maybe they had a bad MVR, or a more deluxe car than we thought; now that we know that- we should not make the same mistake.)

3. Do a new quote Sheet based on the New Information.

4. We must get a check from Jerry or Larry for the credit to apply toward rewrite.

5. The down payment must meet our requirements (not less than 20% on a year policy and 25% on a 6 month policy). We need additional down payment to add to the credit to equal at least the required amount.

6. The new sheet and the Cancellation Sheet MUST BOTH STATE WHY THE POLICY WAS CANCLED AND REWRITEN.

7. The Cancellation MUST STATE the amount of the cancellation and how and where that credit was applied.

8. The New Order must show the amount of canceled credit that was applied and used as a part of the down payment.

Notice 11/17/11

List of Topics

Cancel, Customer or Underwriting Request
Check renewal date when making Policy Changes
Medicar Businesses to call 
 Resently Canceled Customers
.Night Answering Service / Call Transfer
Additional Follow up information
Getting Correct Vin #
Proof of Prior
Two Policies Same Customer
Incoming Mail
Towing flyer
Taking an Application
Contact us Vin #
Received Money / Missing Information
Procedures for when to send a Bond Card.
Calls to Make
No License or Unverifiable
Occupations that are a problem
Ask how they Knew to call Urban
Sales Technique
Rechecking Web Quotes
Old Customers calling for a Quote
Monthly Payments made by Credit or Debit Cards
Nothing on your desk more than 24 Hours
List of Articles and Information
Phone Answered by 3rd Ring
6 Month Follow-up
Rewrite of a Cancelled Customer.
Email Quotes
Urban Insurance has a BBB rating of A+
Proof of Insurance Email
Email Addresses for Urban
Application for Insurance Quote
Entering Contracts
Where to file quotes after follow-up
Follow Up of Quotes
Problem Tray
Cancellation due to Underwriting
Occupations that effect rates or acceptance
New Info found while taking app that changes rate
Check By Trust
Retrieving Messages From Voice Mail
Resetting Voice Mail Passwords
Info changes when we take application, Procedure
Drivers in Household
Driver's Number request
Proof of Prior request
Spouse Info Request letter
Pulling messages off voice mail
Voice Mail Start of Day and End of Day
Retrieving Messages From Voice Mail
Resetting Voice Mail Passwords
Renewal E Form

Doing Web Quotes from Internet leads

Doing Web Quotes from Internet leads This is a List of topics on this site. By clicking any one it will take you to that Procedure.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Procedure Sheet

Quote to add a Second Car
Or other change that makes it to expensive
to add or change to current company

This procedure sheet is to be followed whenever we need to cancel a current policy in order to start new coverage. This can be when a customer asks to make a change to their coverage that the current company will not accept, or would result in an increase we can’t sell.

1. Pull the folder and look at the current policy.

2. Take down the information, and then give the “Add-on Sheet” and QuotePro quote to a salesperson to work out a quote.

3. If the change will work at the existing company, then it can be handled as a standard $ Endorsement.

4. If it is too expensive to add to the current company (Or they will not accept the change) then through away the “Add-on Sheet” and just use the QuotePro quote as the face sheet.

5. If the customer agrees to the change; then it be comes a Cancel Rewrite.

6. Check if the rate on the current policy came in higher than we quoted, we do not want to make the same mistake again. (Maybe they had a bad MVR, or a more deluxe car than we thought; now that we know that- we should not make the same mistake.)

7. We must inform the person they will need to send a request to cancel their current policy (they can fax or email a request, or we can fax them a to sign Form )

8. We must get a check from Jerry for the credit to apply toward rewrite.

9. The down payment must meet our requirements (not less than 20% on a year policy and 25% on a 6 month policy). We need additional down payment to add to the credit to equal at least the required amount.

10. The new sheet and the Cancellation Sheet MUST BOTH STATE WHY THE POLICY WAS CANCLED AND REWRITEN.

11. The Cancellation MUST STATE the amount of the cancellation and how and where that credit was applied.

12. The New Order must show the amount of canceled credit that was applied and used as a part of the down payment.

Notice 11/17/11

Check renewal date when making Policy Changes

Procedure Sheet

Change Of Address, Car or Drivers

This applies to both $ endorsements as well as non $ Endorsements

1. We Must ALWAYS Check the renewal date.

2. If the policy expires within 45 days; we must make a copy of the endorsement request an attach it to the insurance Company Renewal Quote. (Failing to do this will result in us sending a Renewal quote based on the wrong information.)

3. If we already quoted the renewal, then we must work out and send a “Revised Renewal Quote”

Notice 11/17/11

Old Customer/ what to check

Old Customer calling for quote

When a person calls looking for a quote, we need to ask them if they currently have insurance, if they do we need to find if that insurance is through us.

Wonderful - we will be happy to start coverage again.

1. Pull the folder and look at the last policy.

2. Check if the rate came in higher than we quoted, We do not want to make the same mistake again. Maybe they had a bad MVR, or a more deluxe car than we thought; now that we know that- we should not make the same mistake.

3. Because a customer was irresponsible and let their policy get cancelled- we do not need to “REWARD” them by offering a rate lower than before.

I don’t want to be seen as “Penalizing” a customer for having their policy cancelled, but at the same time I don’t need to reward them. I find I can usually not even give a quote, but just tell them they need to send in $_________, to get coverage up again.

We are trying to avoid the following problems:

1. It turns out they are currently covered by Urban.

2. They were dropped or non-renewed by a company, and we don’t want to make the mistake of quoting or placing coverage back there again.

3. I don’t want to replace a new policy at a lower rate and or commission then the prior policy. (There will be some limited exceptions).

4. We know more about an old customer than we do with strangers. If the person had 4 points in March, then the policy got cancelled in June, now when they come back to Urban in July, they will still have those 4 points.

5. The customer has a history of making a down pay, then never making payments, then make sure we get a strong down payment

On someone we never insured before, we have a “Chance” to go back and rebill based on “Uncovering info” but if we had them before, they will not pay any rebill stating that we should have know about the MVR.

Jerry or I need to see these Old Customer quotes prior to quoting

Notice 11/17/11