Monday, November 23, 2009

6 Month Follow-up

The idea is to reach people around the time that they are going to be once again shopping for insurance.

We assume that if a person contacts us for insurance in April; they are probably looking to buy insurance in the coming days. If they do not buy from us, then they probably bought insurance from someone else. If that’s the case; they will likely be shopping for insurance again in six months.

When a customer contacts us; we make our best effort to sell them. Remember to always approach each call as if they are going to say yes. Tell them “I’ve got a great rate for you”, “You can start this for just _$_______.
If that does not work file the quote by month up 6 months ahead, unless the person told you, or the sheet indicates that they expire a different date; in that case fill that sheet under the month they are most likely to once again be in the market for insurance.

Date They Contacted Urban Date To File Sheet

January July

February August

March September

April October

May November

June December

To follow-up on these old quotes; assume the info is the same as last time.Email a new quote with a rate that is 5% less for Liability only and 10% less for Full coverage. Then toss the sheet.

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