Monday, November 23, 2009

Rewrite of a Cancelled Customer.

Let’s say we have a customer that starts a policy. Pays a down payment, and then misses a payment resulting in the policy getting cancelled.

Now that person calls us up to make a payment, not knowing their account was cancelled, or maybe they know that their policy was cancelled- in either case the person again wants a policy.

Wonderful - we will be happy to start coverage again.

I don’t want to be seen as “Penalizing” a customer for having their policy cancelled, but at the same time I don’t need to reward them. I find I can usually not even give a quote, but just tell them they need to send in $_________, to get coverage up again.

1. Pull the folder and look at the last policy.
2. Check if the rate came in higher than we quoted, We do not want to make the same mistake again. Maybe they had a bad MVR, or a more deluxe car than we thought; now that we know that- we should not make the same mistake.
3. Because a customer was irresponsible and let their policy get cancelled- we do not need to “REWARD” them by offering a rate lower than before.

I want to run a new quote based on the info that we know, if the rate is higher then OK, if the rate is lower….. Quote the rate we had before
The exception would be if the person coming back has made a change that would obviously reduce the rate, then fine- quote that rate.

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